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What type of watercolor paper should I use?

Personally as a professional artist I want to use the best. Even though the price might be higher my paintings will turn out better and will last longer. I mean we put our time, heart and soul into our watercolor paintings. Right? I like to use Arches watercolor blocks. Why the watercolor blocks? Honestly, I don't like taking the time to stretch watercolor paper. Call me lazy! :-)  At least I am honest. LOL  Watercolor blocks just save a lot of time and also my watercolor paper is perfectly stretched. 

I also like the Arches watercolor blocks because I like to layer my watercolor paintings. The Arches watercolor paper block allows me to make several layers without damaging the paper. So, have you ever bought the cheaper watercolor paper and the paper balls up on you while you are adding layers? Well, this is a sign of cheaper watercolor paper. ... And guess what? Those balls on the paper will dry looking like little balls on your paper. :-) In this blog post I am just letting you know what I use for my personal watercolor paintings. 

Have you ever made a watercolor painting and during the painting process your paper curls up on you? Annoying, huh? So now you are struggling with your paper as it mysteriously curls up on you and sometimes in all directions. It can be a little scary, annoying, frustrating. With a watercolor block you can paint with ease and no fear of the paper curling up on you. 

There are more brands of watercolor blocks, though I have only found a few. There are cheaper and more expensive brands of watercolor blocks. Arches is just the one that is the right price and quality for me. 

Disclaimer - I am not associated in anyway with Arches watercolor paper company. I just simply LOVE their watercolor blocks. 

Below is a YouTube video I made about Arches watercolor block paper. Like and Subscribe Please. Thank you. 

Arches watercolor block paper.


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